Friday 3 August 2012

Saturday 4 February 2012


DVDs CDs VHS like it was genx.  Why we needed these for a party, I don't know.
I sprayed the couch with something eatable as if it was a roll of sushi
people crashed the party and then it was empty
some jessica alba type came over late
it turned into a date night
i hid in the closet
chainsaws walking down the street downhill
too many women everywhere
they all ignored my chainsaw
previously two guys had chainsaws 
they seemed familiar

Friday 27 January 2012


i have no idea what i dreamt about last night. ive slipped off the edge.
 but i exercised today. hopefully ill post tomorrow. 

Thursday 26 January 2012

01/24/12 - 01/26/12

this journal still exists. 
its served a purpose. every morning i wake up and think about it, or more specifically, my dreams.  a good habit has been formed, although i acknowledge it may not be that strong or developed.
the last few days ive simply favoured sleeping in.
how lazy.

Monday 23 January 2012


im at a grocery store; looks like safeway
i see two girls i know
they wont go to the movies (or something) with me but they will do yoga
i need the address for sparkys and i look it up online and in person at the same time like its the same process
brown and blo- i forget what the address was now. ruby?
theres a bus involved
i plan to see every movie they are showing in the mean time
i go in to the womens bathroom to get the laptop
i hide in a stall with my feet against the walls
im raised up high enough to see like eight other people doing the same
i get the laptop and bolt
i wake up 

Sunday 22 January 2012


jenna got mad when i bought a coffee off her at starbucks on robson
i told her this is my territory
she said she never thought she would be doing this
why was i bad
but i was wasn't i
singing to this crazy creature as he was trying to catch it
ran out of bait but still danced with it for a bit
it was a sad song
it was cinematic 

Friday 20 January 2012


im golfing
this girl on our team sucks
the family is worried that she'll be another write off she is the last to put as everyone is light years ahead
all of this takes place next door at eric rude's
we are in a lake and sarah succumbs to medusa
meghan spends a million dollars on a record
i visit her afterwards and bring it to her
at the time of purchase she is someone else, a man, old and strong
im working at this record store
breatye is the seond song,  the album is marvin gaye, a record im unfamiliar with
dont forget tthe case
wasnt sure if the tail or wing mattered as much
we could make a movie with that money